This blog post “Automate VMware ESXi host updates” is for you if you are looking for something more than what VMware vCenter Server Update Manager provides.
“Update Manager enables centralized, automated patch and version management for VMware vSphere” as described on VMware Docs but in some environments, you may have a requirement for additional notifications or to skip certain hosts or more control over the process with detailed logs files etc., which is why I needed to create the script below.
In a nutshell, you can use Update-ESXi.ps1 to target either an entire vCenter cluster or a single ESXi host, and the script would send the following notifications by e-mail:
- an e-mail at the start of the job, as well as one at the end containing the full PowerShell transcript which details exactly what was processed when (a sample included below);
- an e-mail before a host is placed into maintenance mode containing the list of VMs which are about to be migrated to other hosts, as well as an e-mail once the processing of the host has completed and it has been returned back to production;
- an e-mail if there have been issues with hosts not being able to enter Maintenance Mode and the offending VMs etc.
Here is a sample of the level of detail included in the job completion transcript:
5/08/2022 08:35:53 Updating the ESXI hosts in vCenter cluster Cluster_01
15/08/2022 08:35:54 Checking the compliance of ESXi host host_A1 against the existing Baseline (type patch)
15/08/2022 08:37:51 There are pending updates for ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:37:51 Creating host profile for host_A1
15/08/2022 08:38:18 Host profile created for host_A1
15/08/2022 08:38:18 Attempting to place ESXi host host_A1 into Maintenance mode
15/08/2022 08:38:19 Waiting for the VMs to migrate off ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:39:19 Waiting for the VMs to migrate off ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:40:19 Waiting for the VMs to migrate off ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:41:19 Waiting for the VMs to migrate off ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:42:20 Waiting for the VMs to migrate off ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:43:20 Successfully placed ESXi host host_A1 into Maintenance mode
15/08/2022 08:43:20 ESXi host host_A1 is in Maintenance mode and ready to commence installing updates
15/08/2022 08:43:20 Starting remediation against ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:43:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:44:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:45:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:46:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:47:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:48:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:49:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:50:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:51:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:52:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:53:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:54:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:55:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:56:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:57:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:58:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 08:59:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 09:00:23 Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host host_A1
15/08/2022 09:00:23 The remediation task for ESXi host host_A1 has been completed successfully
15/08/2022 09:00:23 ESXi host host_A1 - attempting to exit Maintenance mode
15/08/2022 09:00:24 ESXi host host_A1 - waiting for exit Maintenance mode task to complete
15/08/2022 09:00:29 ESXi host host_A1 successfully exited Maintenance mode
15/08/2022 09:00:29 ESXi host host_A1 processing complete
more logs for the other hosts in the cluster
15/08/2022 12:16:09 vCenter cluster Cluster_01 processing complete
If you are interested in the actual script itself, please use the link below to access the master copy on GitHub:
Update ESXi host(s) unattended
Used to update the ESXi hosts using VUM, either individually or on a per cluster basis.
Please modify the following variables before running this script: $ScriptPath
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>
.\Update-ESXi.ps1 -vCenterCluster clusterA -ESXiHost hostA
where -vCenterCluster is a mandatory parameter
if -ESXiHost is specified, only that host will be updated and not the cluster it belongs to
# this is the definition of our parameters
param (
# setting up some variables
$ScriptPath = "C:\Scripts\VMware\"
$sName = "Update-ESXi"
$TPath = $ScriptPath + "Transcripts\"
$currentTime = Get-Date -format "_yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss_"
$TranscriptPath = $TPath + $sName + $currentTime + ".log"
$emailAttachmentclHTML = $ScriptPath + "Hosts_part_of_cluster_$vCenterCluster.html"
$emailAttachmentHTML = $ScriptPath + "VMs_running_on_$ESXiHost.html"
# this function adds the time to a message and standardizes how text is diplayed making it easier to trace back events
function LogMessage {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$LogMessage
Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss") $LogMessage"
# this function prepares the attachment for one of the notifications and creates an HTML file detailing the ESXi hosts in the cluster
function GetClusterMembers {
# grab the list of hosts in the cluster
$ClusterMember = Get-Cluster $vCenterCluster | Get-VMHost | Select-Object Name,ConnectionState,PowerState,Version | Sort-Object Name
# define the formatting for the HTML report
@charset "UTF-8";
body {Font-Family: Arial;Font-Size: 11pt;}
#Write HTML doc header
<!DOCTYPE html>
@charset "UTF-8";
body {Font-Family: Arial;Font-Size: 11pt;}
"@) | Out-File $emailAttachmentclHTML
"@) | Out-File $emailAttachmentclHTML -Append
$ClusterMember | % {
<td style="text-align:center">$($_.ConnectionState)</td>
<td style="text-align:center">$($_.PowerState)</td>
<td style="text-align:center">$($_.Version)</td>
"@) | Out-File $emailAttachmentclHTML -Append }
"@) | Out-File $emailAttachmentclHTML -Append
# this function prepares the attachment for one of the notifications and creates an HTML file detailing the VMs running on a host
function GetRunningVMs {
# grab the list of VMs running on the host
$vmList = Get-VMHost -Name $ESXiHost | Get-VM | Select-Object Name,PowerState,VMHost,NumCpu,MemoryGB,Notes | Sort-Object Name
# define the formatting for the HTML report
@charset "UTF-8";
body {Font-Family: Arial;Font-Size: 11pt;}
#Write HTML doc header
<!DOCTYPE html>
@charset "UTF-8";
body {Font-Family: Arial;Font-Size: 11pt;}
<h2>VMs running on $ESXiHost</h2><hr>
"@) | Out-File $emailAttachmentHTML
"@) | Out-File $emailAttachmentHTML -Append
$vmList | % {
<td style="text-align:center">$($_.PowerState)</td>
<td style="text-align:center">$($_.VMHost)</td>
<td style="text-align:center">$($_.NumCpu)</td>
<td style="text-align:center">$($_.MemoryGB)</td>
"@) | Out-File $emailAttachmentHTML -Append }
"@) | Out-File $emailAttachmentHTML -Append
# this function handles communications to various teams where $notificationType dictates what e-mail is sent
function Notification {
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$notificationType = "Dictates where the report should be sent"
$fromaddress = ""
$smtpserver = ""
$message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
$smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$message.From = $fromaddress
$emailBodyHTML = "C:\Scripts\VMware\UE_body.html"
switch ($notificationType) {
cluster {
$toaddress = ""
$message.Subject = "VMware vCenter cluster $vCenterCluster - Update job about to commence"
$eBody = "<p>Please note that the VMware ESXi hosts part of this cluster are about to be updated.</p>
<p>Individual notifications will be sent on a per host basis if the host requires any patches and is about to be processed.
Additionally a timeline of the whole job will be communicated at the end.</p>
<p>Generating Script: Update-ESXi.ps1</p>"
$attachment = $emailAttachmentclHTML
host {
$toaddress = ""
$message.Subject = "VMware ESXi host $ESXiHost - Update job about to commence"
$eBody = "<p>Please note that VMware ESXi host $ESXiHost is about to be placed into Maintenance mode,
and as a result the attached list of VMs will be migrated to other ESXi hosts.</p>
<p>Please review the list of VMs and inspect any DB servers as needed.</p>
<p>Please note that the server will reboot as part of this process and the reboot itself takes between 15 and 20 minutes - please ignore any alerts.</p>
<p>Generating Script: Update-ESXi.ps1</p>"
$attachment = $emailAttachmentHTML
hostComplete {
$toaddress = ""
$message.Subject = "VMware ESXi host $ESXiHost - Update job about completed"
$eBody = "<p>Please note that VMware ESXi host $ESXiHost has been updated and is back in production.</p>
<p>Please resume responding to alerts.</p>
<p>Generating Script: Update-ESXi.ps1</p>"
$attachment = $emailAttachmentHTML
ReviewHost {
$toaddress = ""
$message.Subject = "VMware ESXi host $ESXiHost - Review why the host failed to enter maintenance mode"
$eBody = "<p>The update job for VMware ESXi host $ESXiHost cannot continue.</p>
<p>Please investigate.</p>
$attachment = $emailAttachmentHTML
endofjob {
$toaddress = ""
$attachment = $TranscriptPath
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ESXiHost') -eq $true) {
$message.Subject = "VMware ESXi host $ESXiHost - Update job is now complete"
$eBody = "<p>The update job for VMware ESXi host $ESXiHost is now complete.</p>
<p>The transcript for the job is attached to this e-mail.</p>
} else {
$message.Subject = "VMware vCenter cluster $vCenterCluster - Update job is now complete"
$eBody = "<p>The update job for vCenter cluster $vCenterCluster is now complete.</p>
<p>The transcript for the job is attached to this e-mail.</p>
$message.IsBodyHTML = $true
ConvertTo-Html -Head $header -Body $eBody `
| out-string `
| Out-File $emailBodyHTML
# ensure the file is present at location
while ((Test-Path $emailBodyHTML) -eq $False) { Start-Sleep -s 1}
# Fetch the files generated above and use them as e-mail body and attachment
$message.Body = Get-Content $emailBodyHTML
$mailAttachment = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($attachment)
# send the e-mail
# Cleanup - delete the HTML file from the file system
If (Test-Path $emailBodyHTML){
Remove-Item $emailBodyHTML
# this function archives the host settings into a temporary profile which is useful if they haven't applied profiles at cluster level
function CreateHostProfile {
LogMessage "Creating host profile for $ESXiHost"
$myHost = Get-VMHost $ESXiHost
try {
New-VMHostProfile -Name $ESXiHost -Description "pre-update profile copy" -ReferenceHost $myHost | Out-Null
LogMessage "Host profile created for $ESXiHost"
catch {
LogMessage "There was a problem creating the host profile for $ESXiHost"
<# when there are a lot of VM Overrides for DRS on cluster level, I find it easier to control when the host enters
maintenance mode and Get/Invoke DRS recommendations so that the host can sucesfuly enter maintenance mode.
this function places the hosts into Maintenance Mode #>
function EnterMaintenanceMode {
LogMessage "Attempting to place ESXi host $ESXiHost into Maintenance mode"
try {
# place the host into Maintenance Mode
Get-VMHost -Name $ESXiHost | Set-VMHost -State Maintenance -Confirm:$false -RunAsync -Evacuate | Out-Null
$j = 0
# wait/loop until all VMs migrate to other hosts in the cluster
do {
LogMessage "Waiting for the VMs to migrate off ESXi host $ESXiHost"
Start-Sleep 60
# if there are any VMs with DRS overrides (PartiallyAutomated) this will allow them to migrate
Get-Cluster -Name $vCenterCluster | Get-DrsRecommendation | Invoke-DrsRecommendation
$VMHostState = (Get-VMHost $ESXiHost).State
# if the host has not entered maintenance mode in 30min skip it and send a notification out
if ($j>29) {
if ($VMHostState -ne 'Maintenance') {
LogMessage "ESXi host $ESXiHost was not able to enter Maintenance mode"
Notification -NotificationType ReviewHost
} while ($VMHostState -ne 'Maintenance')
LogMessage "Successfully placed ESXi host $ESXiHost into Maintenance mode"
catch {
LogMessage "ESXi host $ESXiHost was not able to enter Maintenance mode"
# this function will scan the host and report back the compliance status of the baselines
function CheckForUpdates {
$baselines = Get-Baseline -BaselineType Patch
Get-Inventory -Name $ESXiHost | Test-Compliance -UpdateType HostPatch,HostThirdParty
$esxiCompliance = (Get-Compliance -Entity $ESXiHost -Baseline $baselines).Status
return $esxiCompliance
# this function installs the required updates
function InstallUpdates {
LogMessage "Starting remediation against ESXi host $ESXiHost"
# start the update task
$updateTask = Update-Entity -Entity $ESXiHost -Baseline $baselines -Confirm:$False -RunAsync
# check task status periodically
For ($i = 0; $i -lt 45; $i++) {
LogMessage "Waiting for the remediation task to complete on ESXi host $ESXiHost"
# Get the current task status
try {
$tskRunning = Get-Task -Id $updateTask.Id #-Server $vCenter
catch {
LogMessage "No Task / Error finding the update tools task for ESXi host $ESXiHost"
If ($tskRunning.State -in 'Success', 'Error') {Break}
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
# Output task results
Switch ($tskRunning.State) {
'Queued' { LogMessage "The remediation task is in the queue waiting to be executed but the timeout for this script has been exceeded." }
'Running' { LogMessage "The remediation task is still running on ESXi host $ESXiHost but the timeout for this script has been exceeded." }
'Success' { LogMessage "The remediation task for ESXi host $ESXiHost has been completed successfully" }
'Error' {
LogMessage "The remediation task for ESXi host $ESXiHost has not been successful. Please investigate the error generated"
# Exit with error
#Exit 1
if ($tskRunning.State -eq 'Success') {
Notification -NotificationType hostComplete
# this function will place the host back in production after the updates have been applied
function ExitMaintenanceMode {
LogMessage "ESXi host $ESXiHost - attempting to exit Maintenance mode"
try {
Get-VMHost -Name $ESXiHost | Set-VMHost -State Connected -Confirm:$false -RunAsync | Out-Null
do {
LogMessage "ESXi host $ESXiHost - waiting for exit Maintenance mode task to complete"
Start-Sleep 5
$VMHostState = (Get-VMHost $ESXiHost).State
} while ($VMHostState -ne 'Connected')
LogMessage "ESXi host $ESXiHost successfully exited Maintenance mode"
catch {
LogMessage "ESXi host $ESXiHost failed to exit Maintenance mode"
# in this function we have the order of the whole process and calling most other functions
function ProcessESXiHost {
# exclude hosts which should not be processed outside of rare special maintenance windows
if ($ESXiHost -in 'host_hostname1', 'host_hostname2') {
LogMessage "This ESXi host $ESXiHost will not be processed as it is running sensitive VMs (Postilion Realtime, F5 etc.)"
} else {
LogMessage "Checking the compliance of ESXi host $ESXiHost against the existing Baseline (type patch)"
# validate if updates are needed - "$complianceFlag -eq 1" will cause the updates to be installed
$complianceFlag = 0
foreach ($complianceStatus in CheckForUpdates) {
if ($complianceStatus -eq 'NotCompliant') {
$complianceFlag = 1
# if there are non compliant baselines, process the host
if ($complianceFlag -eq 1) {
LogMessage "There are pending updates for ESXi host $ESXiHost"
Notification -NotificationType host
if ((Get-VMHost $ESXiHost).State -eq "Maintenance") {
LogMessage "ESXi host $ESXiHost is in Maintenance mode and ready to commence installing updates"
} else {
# if the host did not manage to enter into maintenance mode I choose to pause here but another action can be defined here too
LogMessage "Update sequence cannot continue on $ESXiHost"
} else {
LogMessage "Presently, there are no updates pending for ESXi host $ESXiHost - skipping host"
# redirect output to a temp transcript log
Start-Transcript -Path $TranscriptPath -NoClobber
# if $ESXiHost has been specified when calling the script, only that host will be updated
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ESXiHost') -eq $true) {
LogMessage "Updating a single host $ESXiHost"
LogMessage "ESXi host $ESXiHost processing complete"
} else {
LogMessage "Updating the ESXI hosts in vCenter cluster $vCenterCluster"
Notification -NotificationType cluster
# iterate through the hosts in the cluster
(Get-Cluster $vCenterCluster | Get-VMHost).Name | ForEach {
$ESXiHost = $_
LogMessage "ESXi host $ESXiHost processing complete"
LogMessage "vCenter cluster $vCenterCluster processing complete"
# Stop the transcript recording
# wait for a bit, in case the enpoint security client has a lock on the transcript which will be used as attachment
Start-Sleep 10
# send a notification for job competion and attach the transcript generated
Notification -NotificationType endofjob